Wednesday, May 4, 2011


A couple days ago I told some friends that I don't like posting negative things on Facebook very much, so if I'm having a bad day, I'll say something like, "I'm choosing praise today." Then because of my attitude change usually the bad day doesn't end up so bad...
Well, this morning I woke up feeling very melancholy. There are a few reasons for this melancholy feeling which I won't go into (most of which really aren't that big of deal, honestly)...but here's the thing, I really don't want to spend my day feeling melancholy and depressed when I could have a perfectly wonderful day. The fact is, Christ died for days such as these. He died so that I can live victorious every day.
John 10:10 says, "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I come that you may have life and life abundant." 
I'm not really into getting stolen from today. I'd much rather have that whole abundant life thing. You see the thief wants to steal from me. He wants to steal my day. My joy. My perspective. My thankfulness. He wants to steal today.
But I begin living the abundant life when I begin living and walking in joy, perspective, matter what my circumstances are. And that abundant life can begin today.
So today, I'm not saying this simply because I don't want to say something negative. I'm saying it because I mean it.
I choose praise.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Thank you for that reminder. I woke up rather melancholy myself today. I too, don't want today, or any day, stolen from me so I shall also choose praise. HALLELUJAH!