Sunday, June 13, 2010

Humility? Eh...

Sometimes I hate it that the Lord knows me so well.
Sometimes it drives me crazy when He starts revealing things in my heart.
Sometimes I can't stand it that He's right.
Theme for the day? Pride.
I went on walk this morning, and the Lord started showing me that the reason I'm struggling with sin is that I have this unwillingness to truly submit to Him and submit to authority, even if it's just simple things. I keep wanting to do things my own way and am unwilling to change. Even though I want to change with almost everything within me. Twisted, I know.
I decided that I didn't really feel like dealing with pride today, so I ignored it and went along in my miserable little way, feeling sorry for myself that my life isn't so dandy. And then I did this Bible study online and what was the subject? Oh, yes. Pride.
I hate it when He does that.
And yet...the mere fact that He's bringing this up means that it's important. And it means that He loves me enough to not let me get away with that which is destroying my soul. So, even though it frustrates me that He exposes my heart and wants to deal with the garbage that's in there, it means that He loves me. The Bible says that the Lord "disciplines those whom He loves." It's an act of love, even if it doesn't feel like it.
And I guess the fact that I'm so resistant to this subject shows just how correct He is in bringing it up. Sigh.
Okay, Daddy, I guess this means that I have more to learn (go figure), and more to let You do in me (surprise, surprise). So, even though I feel virtually incapable of actually humbling myself, and so totally stuck in my prideful I am. I want to be humble before You and I know that I need You. A lot. I am. That's a good place to start, right?

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