Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Simple Calling

I was sitting at Kebaba today, talking with my friend Julia who is recently back from college. It was a good time--we chatted about life, and goals, and callings, and motorcycles...it was just a time of encouragement and uplifting.
As I left, I pondered the whole "callings" thing. I tend to think of life callings as something big, flashy, or glamorous. Or super spiritual. One or the other. Or both. But I almost never think of callings as small things.
But I'm starting to realize, that it's in the small things, that God's calling becomes most evident. For example, God has called me to write Hosea, but He's also called me to finish school, to be a friend, a sister, a nanny...etc. As I was talking with Julia, I realized that one of the most important callings He's given me is simply that of being a friend. Listening to, talking with, encouraging, crying with, laughing with...these are all aspects of being a friend. And these are all ridiculously important to God.
Sometimes the call of God isn't glamorous, flashy, or even obvious. In fact, so often we look for what we think our calling should be--for example, it seems very noble to be a missionary in a foreign country or to be a pastor, shouldn't that be my calling? Isn't it what's the hardest and most difficult road? While it's true that sometimes God's calling is the hardest, most challenging, and most stretching thing we can think, sometimes it's not. In fact, sometimes it's the very thing that comes most naturally.
Sitting in a coffee shop or eater, chatting about life, is the most natural thing in the world to me. And that's just as much a part of my calling as it is for pastor's to preach or missionaries to travel. It's just as much a part of my calling as writing Hosea.
Sometimes, what God is calling us to do isn't what we expect. It's not to go anywhere, or preach anything, or teach anyone. Sometime's it's simply to be who He created you to be right where you are and love the people in your life right where you're at.
And you know what? That's enough.

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