Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Living In Christ

Dear God,

Things always work better when I go to You first. Decisions, plans, everyday life...even my devotions, they flow smoother when I come to You first. Holy Spirit, come and fill me. I need You. Its amazing how easy it is to become complacent...also, how easy it is to forget just how much I love and need You. But, when I'm not with You, I miss You. A lot.
Lord, I don't want to live the silly, ridiculous, worry-filled life I've lived for so long. I don't want to grope around in the dark, wondering what the heck am I doing. God, I want to know You. I want to be close to You. I want to know the sound of Your heartbeat.

Colossians 2:6-7
"So, then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness."

Notice, the very first thing is receiving Christ. When people first receive Christ, they generally go through a "spiritual high." The world is now incredible. Although....after awhile, life no longer seems as rosy and beautiful. Reality sets in with problems, frustrations, and not-so-fun emotions. The God who was so close, now seems distant, quiet, and if He's abandoned you. What happened to the wonderful warm-fuzzies????

Notice that Paul is talking to those who have already received Christ. Next, he instructs them to "continue to live in Him." Living in Christ is a process. As with most things, our relationship with Christ requires continual upkeep. We tend to put a minimal amount of time into Him and expect Him to meet our every need and desire. It doesn't work like that. God cares more about our relationship with Him than making our life perfect. This relationship needs tending. Daily devotion and discipline are part of the equation. Living in Christ is not a one time decision that a person makes at camp or a mission trip and forgets about. It's a process.

Another aspect of living in Christ is "being rooted." Many of us have heard the analogy of a tree. The strongest trees are the ones that have to dig deep into the earth for water. Their roots push harder and harder searching for life. That same concept applies to us. We cannot be surface-level Christians and expect dramatic spiritual things in our life.

Jeremiah 29:13-14 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you..."
We have to seek, though. God only reveals Himself to those who want Him.

Along with being rooted and having a firm foundation, God wants us to be built up. Having roots speaks of our foundation--where we stand. Being built up speaks of moving and of growing. God doesn't want us to just have that firm foundation and to stay in one place. It's easy for us to get caught up in our "Christianity." It's easy to become stagnant. But that is not God's heart for us. His desire that we continually grow, change, and learn new things.

Many times, I get so fed up with myself and my own weaknesses. Once again, God's desire for me is not that. Paul says that we are to be, "strengthened in the faith." God is my strength. He gives me faith so that I can have strength and walk in righteousness. When I feel as if I can't go on, I can have strength--not of myself, but of Christ.

Finally, Paul says to "be overflowing with thankfulness." Many times when I'm frustrated, I'll mumble half-heartedly, "Thank You, Jesus for my circumstances." But I don't mean it. Those are just words. God wants me to genuinely overflowing with thankfulness--meaning, I have way MORE than enough. How can I be overflowing with thankfulness, if I'm grumbling or complaining? Part of growing in Christ is learning how to be completely thankful in all circumstances and to delight in God for who He is...not because He's made my life perfect.

God, I ask that You would do these things in my heart. You would give me deep roots, build me up, strengthen me, and help me to overflow with thankfulness. God, You are so good to me. Give me eyes to see Your goodness everywhere. Help me to focus on what You want me to focus on...and not what I want.
God, I confess, I'm pretty frustrated with some things right now. But, I want to lay those at Your feet and give them completely to You. You are my God, my hope, my life. I thank You for my situation and my circumstances. I thank You for working in my life, even when I cannot see it. Thank You that You are faithful and that You love me.
I love You.

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